The Silent Scream

Ewen, an eight-year-old boy, bravely faces a silent courtroom where no one speaks our or defends him, despite the abuse he has endured.


Camille Anne, Julie Vandenbergue, Martin Laurent, Elisa Torris, Camille Leroy, Lucas Foutrier


French dialogue, with Arabic & English subtitle

Student Film

8 minutes

2022 (Middle East Premiere)

18 Aug 2024

19 Aug 2024

  • Pictures of Directors
  • Pictures of Directors
  • Pictures of Directors
  • Pictures of Directors
  • Pictures of Directors
  • Pictures of Directors

Camille Anne, Julie Vandenbergue, Martin Laurent, Elisa Torris, Camille Leroy, Lucas Foutrier

Camille Anne, Julie Vandenbergue, Martin Laurent, Elisa Torris, Camille Leroy, and Lucas Foutrier have graduated from the Pôle 3D school (Roubaix, France). In 2022, they co-directed the short film "The Silent Scream".