
"Caramelle" is a short animation film that explores the emotional bond between three generations, bridging the realms of life and death. Lucia, a 40-year-old woman, stumbles upon a mysterious candy-colored paper on her father's grave, unraveling a journey of discovery.


Matteo Panebarco


no dialogue

Short Animation Films

12 minutes

2022 (Middle East Premiere)

18 Aug 2024

19 Aug 2024

Pictures of Directors

Matteo Panebarco

Matteo Panebarco, born in Ravenna in 1978, has nurtured a deep passion for cinema and videogames since his early years. Recognizing his true calling at the age of twenty, he embarked on a journey of self-taught exploration in 3D modeling, computer graphics, and video editing. Today, Matteo holds the position of Art Director at Panebarco S.r.l., where he serves as a director, editor, and 3D modeler for numerous videos produced by the company.