In The Shadow Of The Cypress


A captain grappling with PTSD, lives a challenging life with his daughter, and striving to be a supportive and caring father. One day, an unexpected event occurs—an unforeseen challenge or a hidden blessing—that could alter their lives in surprising ways.





No Dialogue


20 minutes

Production Year:

2023 (Not a Premiere)

  • Pictures of Directors
  • Pictures of Directors
About the Directors:

Shirin Sohani was born in 1986, and holds an M.A. in Animation Directing from Tehran University of Art. She began her professional career in 2012 as a concept artist, background artist, scriptwriter, and production manager. Her graduation animated film won national & international awards. Hossein Molayemi was born in 1982, and earned an M.A. in Animation Directing from Tehran University of Art. He is a director, animator and university lecturer. His 1st film, Run Rostam Run has been selected in Annecy, Warsaw and several other Oscar qualifying film festivals and won national & international awards.