Goodbye Mamajee


In Pondicherry, India, Noor faces a poignant farewell as he prepares to leave for France. Overwhelmed by the thought of parting from his beloved uncle, Noor struggles with deep sadness on the eve of his departure.





Tamil Dialogue, with Arabic & English Subtitle


7 minutes

Production Year:

2023 (Middle East Premiere)

Pictures of Directors
About the Directors:

Born in France between 1998 and 1999, Jin-Hyung Park, Marie Susanyan, Antoine Furic, Emma Daillie, Léonardo Girardi, and Taslyne Oumarkatar are graduates of Ecole Georges Méliès. Jin-Hyung specialized in character design and storyboarding, Marie in animation and music, Antoine in animation, Emma in animation with external projects, Léonardo in animation, and Taslyne in storyboarding and visual development with a focus on Tamil culture. Their collaborative graduation film reflects their diverse skills and backgrounds.