What's Troubling Grandpa?


This short film documents the life of an 83-year-old leader from the Amis tribe and his grandchildren. The film shows the stunning mountains and oceans around Hualien Harbor. Through the conversations between the older and younger generations, we also sense the tribe leader’s fond memories of and wishes for his tribe.





Chinese dialogue, with Arabic & English subtitle


10 minutes

Production Year:

2024 (World Premiere)

Pictures of Directors
About the Directors:

Yen-Ting Pan was born in 2014, and he is a dedicated member of the production team for the film What’s Troubling Grandpa?. Known for his curiosity and communicative nature, Yen-Ting has a passion for storytelling and engaging in conversations with adults. He enjoys exploring natural environments and taking adventurous trips with his father. His passion and lively energy contribute significantly to the team’s creative endeavors.