
A drama that centers on a young boy living in a poor countryside who harbors a dream of flying in a helicopter. The film explores his aspirations and the challenges he faces as he strives to achieve this dream despite the constraints of his impoverished surroundings. Through his journey, the story highlight’s themes of hope, determination, and the transformative power of dreams, offering an emotional and inspirational portrayal of a child’s ambition to rise above his circumstances.





Persian dialogue, with Arabic& English subtitle


95 minutes

Production Year:

2024 (Middle East Premiere)

Pictures of Directors
About the Directors:

Behrooz Bagheri was born in 1971 and has had a distinguished career in the arts field. He graduated from the Isfahan Academy of Fine Arts, where he majored in miniature graphics. In addition to his work as a cinema director at the Faculty of Fine Arts, he is also an accomplished calligrapher and painter. His involvement with Isfahan Youth Cinema began in 1985.