  • Country: Germany
  • Language: no dialogue
  • Duration: 6 minutes
  • Production Year: 2023 (Middle East Premiere)
Scrubby wants to live in his mother’s thick fur forever, but she’s starting to lose hair. When he brings back a strand of hair that flew away, all he finds is a pile of hair and a trail in the snow. In search of his mother, Scrubby encounters a naked, freezing creature. Is his fur enough to warm both of them?
Paul Vollet was born in Düsseldorf in 1996, discovered his passion for animation through early experiments with video and After Effects. After finishing school in 2016, he moved to Hamburg and later studied at Film Akademie Baden-Württemberg. His short film SCRUBBY, which took over two years to complete, marked his graduation in 2023. Paul now works as a freelancer in Berlin.