Title:The Cat In The Art Park

Even tiny cats are known to cause havoc, so picture the mayhem that ensues when an art-park cat grows to the height of a house. This film depicts the souls of cats everywhere. Because of the peculiar way they choose to sit in the most uncomfortable-looking places. To how they hyper-focus on each moving thing in their vicinity until they've thoroughly attacked it. It looks at how cats like some people but dislike others. This film is a testament to cats' strange behavior that we find incredibly adorable.



Herian Kim


South Korea


no dialogue


Animation Film


5 minutes

Production Year:

2020 (Middle East Premiere)

Pictures of Directors

Herian Kim

Herian Kim was born in Anyang in 1982. She completed her graduation from Kaywon University of Art & Design in 2010. She is working at Inki and Herian design studio. The story of the film is based on a unique theme of a street cat living in an art park suddenly gets superpower. The cat, as big as a house, walks in the park and meets people.